Advanced Pest Services


office (205) 594-7552
toll free (800) 848-1644
Ashville, Alabama USA

Since 1988

About Us

Honesty, Integrity, and Professionalism…..

Who We Are...

   Advanced Pest Services has been a local family owned and operated business since 1988. We have 23 years of Pest Control Service experience. Tired of having your Pest Control Technician change? Don’t worry! We’ve had the same employees for years! Our Pest Control Technicians are professionally trained, experienced, and interested in solving your pest control problems. You are not just another stop on a Pest Route! We take great pride in Customer Service. The Advanced Pest Services Team is always willing to work with the customer to provide friendly professional service. Though we are proud of our history---we are more excited about what the future holds for us and the consumer.

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Friendly Service

Professionally Trained Technicians, Shane Sizemore...

Professionally Trained Technicians